Wednesday, July 2, 2014

It all started about like this.  Not much beyond a base with an image in my brain about how I wanted it to look like.

Than I added another board or two.  Kind of shaping a frame out of it with a wisp of an idea about how I wanted to roof to be.

From there I just started adding things as it seemed they needed to be added.  A board here, another there.  Seems like I needed a door and it just continued to evolve.  It took much sweat and many beers to get to this point.

Of course all the earth did not halt in this process.  But finally, the first of the chickens arrived; a couple of Buff Orpingtons at about 7wks of age.

Then, the next weekend, came the down under birds, two Black Australorps at about 12 weeks of age.

Today is 7/2/2014 and the Buffs were brought in 6/14; the Blacks on 6/21.  That puts the Buffs at nearly eleven weeks an the Blacks at nearly 15 weeks.  I think the Blacks are actually older than that.  They are virtually full sized chickens now.  If true, then we should be getting our first egg in roughly 8 to 12 weeks.

This is where I am now.

At present we need to finish painting the trim.  Diane has decided to go with a light tan trim instead of the white.  Later there will be a rain gutter which will drain into a collecting trough for rain water and the run will be expanded around in front of the door to allow them free access to the area between the coop and the side fence.  But at night, they will be brought inside the coup.

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